From Blonde.
To Bald.
To Bold.


What is The Baldtourage?

The Baldtourage is a community, a family, a group of women, girls, mothers with daughters who have hair loss. This community provides a space for members to share their stories and express their truths with other women who can relate. We proudly have 2000+ members in 50 states and a few other countries all over the world, which goes to show that… YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

What is The Mission?

Our mission at Baldtourage is to redefine bald as bold. We are determined to normalize hair loss for women, provide a community where everyone feels accepted, heard, & understood, and encourage each other to embrace exactly who we are! The Baldtourage was founded by Christie Valdiserri after she lost her hair to alopecia. After 3 years of struggling alone, she decided to take matters into her own hands and create a powerful, accepting community that everyone so desperately needed.

A little About Christie:

Christie Valdiserri is a Sports Illustrated Model, Professional Dancer, Fitness Instructor, and the founder of The Baldtourage. Christie grew up in West Chester, PA and currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. Growing up she was in a ballet company and then went on to pursue dance at Penn State University. Christie graduated with a BA in Theatre and took her talents to the Big Apple! Right before moving to NYC, Christie found a tiny bald patch on top of her head. Amidst moving to a new city and pursuing her dance career, Christie was ‘diagnosed’ with alopecia as well. After booking her dream job on a cruise ship, she was fired within 6 weeks because she, “stood out,'“ and was forced to move back to PA. It was quite clear that Christie was fired because of her hair loss, but the company covered that up. Christie was extremely lost. She had no apartment, no job, and within three weeks after being fired… she had no hair left. She knew she could not let Alopecia dictate her life, her happiness, and her career. So she glued on a wig, booked a one way flight to Los Angeles, CA, and never looked back. After hiding under a wig for about a year, she found the courage and strength to share her story. To this day, Christie says, “that was THE BEST decision I’ve ever made!” Christie firmly believes that the best version of herself came out after she shared her story and is determined to help others feel the same way! The Baldtourage was born because Christie doesn’t want others to feel alone and ashamed the same way she felt. She has cultivated a very powerful, unique, accepting, empathetic, and of course, fun environment at The Baldtourage. Christie is doing things everyday to embrace her alopecia rather than trying to ‘fix’ her alopecia. Christie believes that if she can go from blonde, to bald, to bold… YOU CAN TOO!!!!


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